Why is it so hard for us to read a book?

“If knowledge is power, learning is a superpower". Jim Kwik

"Leaders are readers". Unknown

Today, I wanted to start differently from how I normally do. I want my opinion to be clear and somehow to try to change people's mentality. This topic strikes me as I do not understand why people don't find it attractive to read a book. The feeling of reading a book is unique and many people miss it.

Resultat d'imatges per a "llibres imaginacio"With the first two quotations, I am trying to make clear that reading is not the simple act of taking a book and following the lines of it. It is much more than that. Reading encompasses everything. The truth is that I still cannot find a reason to understand the fact that many people do not read.

To be honest, it is much easier to sit on a sofa, turn on the TV and let the machine display the images. But this way, you are following the guidelines of someone who from his office, for example, has decided that such a series is like this. On the other hand, when you take a book, you enter a parallel world where everything comes from your imagination, someone from the other side has written lines in their own way but it is you who gives form within your mind. And what better than to be yourself who decides how each is in the story?

This time I wanted to be brief, just to make you reflect on reading and how it is interesting to take a book and and spend time in it. In some weeks, I will propose some interesting readings. Until then, take care of yourself!


  1. Great article! What do you usually read??

    1. Thank you! This year I will try to read about 50 books, about 1 per week. This March I did not read much, but now in April we will catch up again.


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