Reflection time - 2021

It has been a while without publishing something. You may excuse me but the art of writing is based on being inspired and having an idea in your head that allows you to write, paint, sculpt... 

In my case, I used summer to rest from a long year, very special, that has allowed me to propel the blog. I hope to be able to pick up the pace of the months before summer. I promise nothing. This Sunday I wanted to leave you a little text to resume sensations. 

As I promised you some time ago, you will soon have texts in Italian, and if everything goes well, in 2021, I will try to write something in German (I have just started learning German so very small simple sentences). In this new year, (not in 2021 but the fact of resuming school, universities in September, so that) I want to incorporate new concepts. As I said, I want to write more often but I will also try to have some collaboration, something I have never tried so far (texts written by colleagues in Spanish, English, Italian and German). I will post the continuation of the story I started (The beginning). And something else that you will see in the coming months.

we are back.


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