It had long been rumored. And it has finally been confirmed. The legendary rock band is back, AC/DC is back! YES! AC/DC!

I really didn’t expect it. I was quietly doing things this afternoon when I opened YouTube and the song appeared (Shot In The Dark). The new song from the upcoming album by the Australian band AC/DC.

Finally, as I had hoped. Since 2014 we didn't listen to them but this time it's different. Unfortunately, Malcom Young is not there, but the Brian Johnsson-Phl Rudd-Cliff Williams trio has returned. Incredible. Thank you! The essence of the 20th century is back, good music is back. As you know I may be a big lover of trap music lately, but it has to be said that it has nothing to do with rock. Everything goes at times, you are trying new styles to see if they convince you or not but ACDC are always there to get out of the impasse. 

How eager I am to hear the full album, next November 13th will be a historic day. Write it down in the agenda! 

Short but important publication, they have returned and it will be historic. AC / DC


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